Hey Checkyourlogs Fans,

I had a call from a customer that had a PowerShell ISE session hang up on him on a Windows Server 2019 build. This was on a physical HPE Server that was brand new, and the OS install was just done this week. He took some screenshots for me, and we remoted into his system and could reproduce the issue.

We tried stopping the PowerShell session, rebooting the server, and none it was working.

Finally, I said for giggles how about we try this from an admin command prompt.

Sure enough, it worked fine.

After this worked, I tested in PowerShell with the following:

Cmd.exe /c “winrm /qc”

This worked just fine.

I’m not sure if it is a bug with the winrm command, but it sure caused me a lot of frustration.

Hopefully this saves you some time on this Thanksgiving day!
