Hey Checkyourlogs Fans,

Today, I was working with a customer, and I hit a known bug in Windows Server 2019 that shows servers as not being cleanly shut down when they are:

I was doing some routine maintenance on an Azure Stack HCI Cluster Node and hit this today. Usually, when I see this, it means that the server has had some issue. Now, if it is a bugcheck, it would generally show us more details here, but none the less this is not looking good.

There is information online here: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/c543eed6-f647-4563-85ce-8e72d1b36a85/shutdown-event-tracker-keeps-appearing-after-installing-kb4490481-and-an-unexpected-shutdown?forum=ws2019

However, the suggestion is to modify this registry key or create a GPO to disable it.

Unexpected shutdown notification is no longer appearing after the following setting using a GPO:
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > “Display Shutdown Event Tracker” = Disabled

I’m not sure if others out there are still seeing this?

Comment if you are as I’m interested n the feedback.

For now, we are ignoring these on our production nodes.

