Hey Checkyourlogs Fans,
Today I have been having fun trying to get a Windows Insiders 17079 Cluster build via SCVMM 1711.
From the VMM Console when I try to build the cluster I get Error Message 25325.
I checked the Create Cluster report in C:\windows\cluster\reports on one of the S2D nodes.
It said that a parameter is incorrect.
Off to PowerShell on the VMM Server so I tried to manually create it using New-Cluster which should work.
New-Cluster -Name S2DCluster -Node S2D1,S2D2,S2D3,S2D4 -StaticAddress -IgnoreNetwork '','','','' -nostorage
But nope it didn’t work either.
So, I decided to try going directly to the S2D1 Node running Windows Insider 17079 build to build it there and viola.
As it turns out it is likely an issue where we need an updated version of the RSAT tools for 17079 which I can’t seem to find anywhere for download at this time.
The workaround is quite simple… For now, just build the S2D Cluster manually and enable-ClusterS2D manually.
As you can see we have the cluster built and can view it in Failover Cluster Manager from our Windows Server 2016 RTM VMM Server.
You can also see the Enable-ClusterS2D success.
Finally, we have the cluster showing up in VMM
Thanks, and Happy Learning
Dave Kawula – MVP