MVPDays North American Roadshow is a technical event that is delivered by industry leading expert Microsoft MVP’s and prospective MVP’s. These sessions are not geared around Vendor Marketing fluff and have real content based on the deep expertise of our world class speakers. In order to have your submission considered please follow these guidelines.

1. Make your title, abstract, and pitch attention grabbing and eye-catching.

2. Your content is interesting, vendor and product agnostic. Conference sessions are meant to educate attendees on current IT innovations, challenges and trends only, and we do not accept product-related submissions. If you would like to publicize a product, please contact our sales team for information on exhibiting and other vendor opportunities, including vendor tech sessions. We give priority to speakers in technical roles. Especially speakers that are in IT roles.

3. You do not have to be a Microsoft MVP to submit sessions. However preference is giving to existing Microsoft MVP’s. If you have an interesting topic and want to submit please indicate your interest in the MVP Program and if selected this will be a great chance to showcase required skills to become a new MVP.

4. Make your session fun and interactive

5. Consider co-presenting with another MVP  Multiple MVP Sessions always receive great feedback.

6. Submit multiple sessions in different tracks.



Submit your session today by clicking here




Submissions are open from now until August 20, 2016

Review will take place from August 20-25, 2016.

Speaker will be notified by August 25 or earlier with their acceptance.



Is the presenter someone who can credibly address the subject in-depth?

Will attendees receive information by attending the session that would be unique, fresh, germane to their interests and challenges, and could not be located easily in some other fashion.

Does it sound like it is actually a useful vision or best practices versus a vendor pitch?

High-level intros that address key pain points.

Panel discussions with end-users.

Real-world case studies.

Actionable sessions that dive into a specific and common pain point.

Relevancy. Does the talk answer a question the market is struggling with?

Controversy. Is the answer interesting or counterintuitive or does it just address conventional wisdom?

Real world. Does the talk show that people are really doing this, or is it just in-theory?


Speaker Expectations:

Commit to presenting—no last minute switch outs. This is an opportunity for the individual, not for the company.

Share your presence at the event with your social networks. Speakers that are active online and help drive attendance are more like to be asked to return to speak again (pending good reviews).

Meet the deadlines outlined in the online speaker center for hotel booking, slides, abstracts, etc.

Contribute one informational blog post or short video about the content of your session to be posted on the Interop Blog or Video Page and Social Media