1.Open Cloud Shell
2.Run the following command to show the current PHP version.
az webapp config show --resource-group resource-group-name --name app-name --query phpVersion
3.Run the following command to show all supported PHP versions.
az webapp list-runtimes | grep php
4.Run the following command to set the PHP version to 7.4.
az webapp config set --resource-group resource-group-name --name app-name --php-version 7.4
5.Run the following command to show the current PHP version.
az webapp config show --resource-group resource-group-name --name app-name --query phpVersion
Hope you enjoy this post.
Cary Sun
Twitter: @SifuSun
Web Site: carysun.com
Blog Site: checkyourlogs.net
Blog Site: gooddealmart.com