Today, I am going to show you how to steal IP address of decommissioned old domain controller for new Windows Server 2022 domain controller.

1.Check the old domain controller server IP address before you changed it to DHCP.

2. Logon to TMDC03 (new domain controller) as Techmentor\Administrator.

3. Configure the IP Address with (the IP address of old domain controller).

4. Open an Administrative Command Prompt and type ipconfig /registerdns.

5. Type net stop netlogon & Net start netlogon and press enter.

The netlogon service updates dns by reading a file called netlogon.dns to create Service Records (SRV) for Domain Controllers. Part of the production process is to stop and start the netlogon service to force to propogation of these records.

6. Type Repadmin /kcc and press enter.

Repadmin /kcc triggers the Knowledge Consistency Checker. The Knowledge Consistency checker is what helps create the automatically generated connection objects in Active Directory Sites and Services.

7. Type Repadmin /e /d /a and press enter.

8. Type Repadmin /e /d /a /P.

If this command didn’t run successfully as you can see we get the topology incomplete error message. To fix this we will need to invoke the knowledge consistency checker on each domain controller.

Run Repadmin /kcc from the other DC’s and try again.

Hope you enjoy this post.

Cristal Kawula