The process of Migrating to Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) for Windows Server 2022 involves adding new domain controllers.
1.Logon to TMDC03 as Techmentor\Administrator.
2. Startup a PowerShell prompt and type in the command Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services.
3. Install the ADDSDeployment module by running Import-Module ADDSDeployment -verbose.
4. Once those additional tools have been installed, run Test-ADDSDomainControllerInstallation -DomainName to test for any prerequisites.
5. Promote this member server into a domain controller by running Install-ADDSDomainController -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -InstallDns:$true -DatabasePath ‘C:\Windows\NTDS’ -DomainName ‘’
Type P@ssw0rd for the Directory Services Restore Mode Password
Press [A] Yes to All
Did you see any potential problems with the way the TMDC03 is configured?
It appears that TMDC03 did not have a static IP Address. Typically we always want Domain Controllers to be configured with Static IP Addresses. Because this is a lab where we will be decommissioning TMDC01 anyways and assuming its IP Address this change can happen at that time.
6. TMDC03 will reboot.
7. Logon as Techmentor\Administrator
It is normal for a Domain Controller to take a few minutes before the login screen is ready.
8. Type ipconfig /registerdns.
9. Open an Administrative Command Prompt and type net stop netlogon & Net start netlogon and press enter.
The netlogon service updates dns by reading a file called netlogon.dns to create Service Records (SRV) for Domain Controllers. Part of the production process is to stop and start the netlogon service to force to propagation of these records.
10. Type Repadmin /kcc and press enter.
Repadmin /kcc triggers the Knowledge Consistency Checker. The Knowledge Consistency checker is what helps create the automatically generated connection objects in Active Directory Sites and Services.
11. Type Repadmin /e /d /a and press enter.
12. Type Repadmin /e /d /a /P.
13. Open an Administrative PowerShell prompt and type Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS-Tools -verbose.
14. Now try opening Active Directory Users and Computers by typing dsa.msc in the run line.
Hope you enjoy this post.
Cristal Kawula