Hey Checkyourlogs Fans,
I know we love Windows Admin Center for pretty much all things Storage Spaces Direct. However, at this time there are a few things that are missing for our wonderful HTML5 UI. The most important thing for Storage Spaces Direct admins is visibility into the ReFS, Deduplication, and Data Integrity logs.
There has been much discussion around the Storage Spaces Direct Community surrounding volumes that go offline due to the DRT (Dirty Region Tracking) tables filling up. This
normally happens when there is a catastrophic event to the cluster such as a hard power failure. Now, it doesn’t happen all the time and from what I have seen in the field only about 5% of cases during a hard failure will this be the case. Now, in the event, you are one of the unlucky 5% you will have event ID’s showing up in the Data Integrity\Crash Recovery event logs.
Because there wasn’t great tracking of this issue, I decided to make a little report and use it as a daily operators report.
Here are some examples of what I want to look for:
Storage Spaces Driver Event Log
- I can see that the last event happened over 6 months ago and it was because a drive went offline. I was pulling the disk at this time, but it could indicate a failure that has or is about to happen. So each morning I read this, and if an event pops up, I can see there is something to action.
- I can see that the last event happened over 6 months ago and it was because a drive went offline. I was pulling the disk at this time, but it could indicate a failure that has or is about to happen. So each morning I read this, and if an event pops up, I can see there is something to action.
- For Windows Server 2019 I always use Deduplication, and I can see the statistics here, and I can also check the Deduplication Events to make sure everything looks good.
- Next, you can gather a lot of additional information from the ReFS log regarding stats on the CSV’s for Storage Spaces Direct.
- Now for the secret sauce – Data Integrity Scans are scheduled by default to run monthly for ReFS enabled Storage Spaces Direct volumes. It does this as kind of a background scrubbing to make sure everything is ok. We do not want to see errors in here.
- Lastly the log that you DO NOT want to see activity in is the Data Integrity\Crash Debug. If you see activity in here something bad has happened an,d you need to investigate. As you can see in the example below on Sept 7, 2018, a crash recovery scan was initiated. This does not normally start on a schedule and will only kick in if something bad has happened. As mentioned this could be a Network Failure, Power Failure or other catastrophic event.
Now there are some other goodies in the script like:
- Storage Pool Info
- Storage Enclosure Info
- Physical Disk Info
- Virtual Disk Info
Now you have read this far you are probably wondering where you can find the scripts required for this:
<# .SYNOPSIS Creates a HTML Report describing Storage Spaces Status, Deduplication, ReFS, Data Integrity, and VM Checkpoints/Replicas Original Version by :Michael Rüefli (www.miru.ch) - https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Storage-Spaces-Status-2e8e7fbb Updated Version by Dave Kawula MVP (www.checkyourlogs.net) @DaveKawula Moved up to Github to allow for community edits. THIS CODE IS MADE AVAILABLE AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE USE OR THE RESULTS FROM THE USE OF THIS CODE REMAINS WITH THE USER. Version 1.2.0 (stable), January 22th, 2015 Version 2.0.0 (stable), November 16, 2018 .DESCRIPTION This script creates a HTML report showing the following information about a Windows Storage Spaces environment. * Report Generation Time, Reported Node * Storage Pools * Storage Enclosures * Virtual Disks * Physical Disks with Enclosure Mapping * MPIO Path Information per physical Disk * Storage Spaces Driver Events * Storage Tiering Statistics * Tested with Storage Spaces and Storage Spaces Direct * Runs locally on each node * Gathers Diagnostic information for Storage Spaces (ReFS, Data Integrity Scans) * Reports on Deduplication * Updated and runs on 2016 and 2019 .PARAMETER StorageNode The hostname of the storage node to query .PARAMETER IncludeMPIO This switch enables MPIO Information gathering .PARAMETER IncludeEvents This switch enables Eventlog Information gathering .PARAMETER IncludeTieringStats This switch enables Storage Tiering statistics gathering .PARAMETER OutputFile This parameter can be used to select an alternate output file location than %TEMP%\StorageReport.html .PARAMETER IncludeEvents This switch opens the report file with the default handler right after creation .PARAMETER MailFrom Email address to send to. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -From .PARAMETER MailTo Email address to send to. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -To .PARAMETER MailServer SMTP Mail server to attempt to send through. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -SmtpServer .PARAMETER IncludeDedupStats Gathers Information on Deduplication on the Storage Pools will work on ReFS and NTFS volumes with Deduplication Enabled .PARAMETER IncludeRefSDebugEvents Gathers infromation from the ReFS Event Logs .PARAMETER IncludeVMInfo Gathers General Information about the Hyper-V VM's and is used for Project Titan for Replicas / CheckPoints Note --> I have Hard coded the SMTP Settigns for now. .EXAMPLE Generate the HTML report and send it via Email .\CreateStorageReport.ps1 -StorageNode SOFSN01 -IncludeMPIO -IncludeEvents -OutputFile C:\Reports\StorageReport_demo.html -MailFrom storage@domain.com -Mailto support@domain.com -MailServer smtp.domain.com .NOTES Changes / Bugfixes V 1.1.0 - Fixed Storage Enclosure Sensor Health errors - Added Physical Disk Reliability Counters - Fixed Pool gathering where physical disks where displayed multiple times - changed -Mailto Parameter to be an array of Strings to support multiple recipients V 1.2.0 - Added Storage Tiering Statistics (-IncludeTieringStats) V 2.0 - Added Reporting for ReFS - Added Reporting for Deduplication - Added Reporting for Data Integrity Scans - Added Reporting for Hyper-V Checkpoint and general VM Info #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [STRING]$StorageNode, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [SWITCH]$IncludeMPIO, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [SWITCH]$IncludeEvents, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [SWITCH]$IncludeTieringStats, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [STRING]$OutPutFile="$ENV:TEMP\StorageReport_$StorageNode.html", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [SWITCH]$OpenFileAfterCreation, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [STRING]$MailFrom, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [STRING[]]$MailTo, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [STRING]$MailServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [SWITCH]$IncludeDedupStats, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [SWITCH]$IncludeReFSDebugEvents, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [SWITCH]$IncludeVMInfo ) $VerbosePreference="continue" #We can add this back in later --> For now we are running this all locally #Create Persistent Remote Session #Write-Verbose "Creating new WinRM Ression with Computer: $StorageNode" #$PSSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $StorageNode #region data gathering #Get Storage Enclosure Info Write-Verbose "Gathering Enclosure Information" $Enclosures = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { $Enclosures = Get-StorageEnclosure | select * $EnclosureInfo = @() Foreach ($e in $Enclosures) { $eFANState = $e.FANOperationalStatus -join "." $ePWRSupplyState = $e.PowerSupplyOperationalStatus -join "." $eIOContrState = $e.IOControllerOperationalStatus -join "." $eTempSensorState = $e.TemperatureSensorOperationalStatus -join "." $encinfo = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ FriendlyName=$e.FriendlyName UniqueID=$e.UniqueId SerialNumber=$e.SerialNumber Firmware=$e.FirmwareVersion Slots=$e.NumberOfSlots HealthState=$e.HealthStatus IOControllerState=$eIOContrState FANState=$eFANState PowerSupplyState=$ePWRSupplyState TemperatureSensorState=$eTempSensorState } $EnclosureInfo += $encinfo } return $EnclosureInfo } #Get Storage Pool Info Write-Verbose "Gathering Storage Pool Information" $StoragePoolInfo = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { $StoragePoolInfo = @() $StoragePools = Get-StoragePool | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -ne 'Primordial'} Foreach ($sp in $StoragePools) { $PoolObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ FriendlyName=$sp.FriendlyName SizeGB=($sp.Size / 1GB) AllocatedGB=($sp.AllocatedSize / 1GB) AllocatedPercent=[System.Math]::Round((100/$sp.Size)*($sp.AllocatedSize), 2) IsClustered=$sp.IsClustered EnclosureAwareDefault=$sp.EnclosureAwareDefault OperationalStatus=$sp.OperationalStatus HealthStatus=$sp.HealthStatus } $StoragePoolInfo += $PoolObject } Return $StoragePoolInfo } #Get virtual Disks Write-Verbose "Gathering Virtual Disk (Spaces) Information" $VirtualDiskInfo = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { $StoragePools = Get-StoragePool $VirtualDiskInfo = @() Foreach ($sp in $StoragePools) { $VirtualDisks = Get-VirtualDisk -StoragePool $sp Foreach ($vd in $VirtualDisks) { $StorageTiers = $vd | Get-StorageTier If ($StorageTiers) { Write-Verbose "Gathering Storage Tier Information" $IsTiered=$true } Else { $IsTiered=$false } $VirtualDiskobj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ FriendlyName=$vd.FriendlyName StoragePool=$sp.FriendlyName ResiliencySettingName=$vd.ResiliencySettingName NumberOfDataCopies=$vd.NumberOfDataCopies NumberofColumns=$vd.NumberofColumns Interleave=$vd.Interleave IsEnclosureAware=$vd.IsEnclosureAware SizeGB=($vd.Size / 1GB) WriteCacheSizeGB=($vd.WriteCacheSize / 1GB) IsTiered=$IsTiered SSDTierSizeGB=(($StorageTiers | Where-Object {$_.MediaType -eq 'SSD'}).Size / 1GB) HDDTierSizeGB=(($StorageTiers | Where-Object {$_.MediaType -eq 'HDD'}).Size / 1GB) OperationalStatus=$vd.OperationalStatus HealthStatus=$vd.HealthStatus } $VirtualDiskInfo += $VirtualDiskobj } } Return $VirtualDiskInfo } #Get Physical Disks Write-Verbose "Gathering Physical Disk Information" $PhysicalDiskInfo = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { #$Enclosures = $USING:Enclosures $PhysicalDiskInfo = @() $pdisks = Get-PhysicalDisk | where {($_.canpool) -or ($_.CannotPoolReason -match 'In a Pool')} Foreach ($pd in $pdisks) { $opsdata = Get-StorageReliabilityCounter -PhysicalDisk $pd $findstrg = $pd.PhysicalLocation -match '[0-9a-z]{16}' $EnslosureID = $matches[0] $dskobj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Name=$pd.FriendlyName Slot=$pd.SlotNumber EnclosureID=($EnslosureID) EnclosureSerial=($Enclosures | where-object {$_.UniqueId -eq $EnslosureID}).SerialNumber HealthState=$pd.HealthStatus Manufacturer=$pd.Manufacturer Model=$pd.Model FirmwareVersion=$pd.FirmwareVersion OperationalState=$pd.OperationalStatus MediaType=$pd.MediaType SizeGB=($pd.Size /1GB) Usage=$pd.Usage ID=$pd.UniqueId SerialNumber=$pd.SerialNumber PowerOnHours=$opsdata.PowerOnHours Temperature=$opsdata.Temperature TemperatureMax=$opsdata.TemperatureMax StartStopCycleCount=$opsdata.StartStopCycleCount MaxReadLatency_ms=$opsdata.ReadLatencyMax MaxWriteLatency_ms=$opsdata.WriteLatencyMax ReadErrors=$opsdata.ReadErrorsTotal WriteErrors=$opsdata.WriteErrorsTotal } $PhysicalDiskInfo += $dskobj } Return $PhysicalDiskInfo } If ($IncludeMPIO) { #Get MPIO Info Write-Verbose "Gathering MPIO Path Information per Disk" $MPIOPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { $StoragePools = Get-StoragePool | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -ne 'Primordial'} $MPIOInfo = $StoragePools | Get-PhysicalDisk | Foreach-Object {mpclaim -s -d $_.DeviceID} Return $MPIOInfo } | Select-String "paths" } If ($IncludeDedupStats){ Write-Verbose "Gathering Deduplication Statistics" $DedupStatus = Get-DedupStatus | Select-Object * $DedupVolumeStats = Get-dedupvolume D: | Select * $Dedupevents = Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 10 -LogName Microsoft-Windows-Deduplication/Diagnostic | Select-Object * $DedupDiagevents = Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 10 -LogName Microsoft-Windows-Deduplication/Scrubbing | Select-Object * } If ($IncludeReFSDebugEvents){ Write-Verbose "Gathering ReFS Operational Events" $ReFSEvents = Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 10 -LogName Microsoft-Windows-ReFS/Operational | Select-Object * $DataIntegrityAdmin = Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 10 -LogName Microsoft-Windows-DataIntegrityScan/Admin | Select-Object * $DataIntegrityCrash = Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 10 -LogName Microsoft-Windows-DataIntegrityScan/CrashRecovery | Select-Object * } If ($IncludeVMInfo){ Write-Verbose "Gathering Hyper-V VM Information" $VMInfo = @() $VMInfo += Get-VM -ComputerName Localhost # $VMInfo += Get-VM -ComputerName EPFCS2D2 $VMReplicaInfo = @() $VMReplicaInfo = Get-VM -ComputerName Localhost | Get-VMSnapshot #$VMReplicaInfo = Get-VM -ComputerName EPFCS2D2 | Get-VMSnapshot } If ($IncludeEvents) { Write-Verbose "Gathering Storage Spaces Driver Events" #Get Storage Spaces Driver Events $StorageSpaceDriverEvts = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 20 -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-StorageSpaces-Driver/Operational" } } If ($IncludeTieringStats) { #Get Storage Tiering Statistics Write-Verbose "Gathering Storage Tiering Statistics" $TieringStats = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { $TierStats=@() $StorageOptInfo = get-winevent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-Storage-Tiering/Admin" | ? {$_.ID -eq 22} Foreach ($entry in $StorageOptInfo) { $entrydate=$entry.TimeCreated $info = $entry.Message $info -match 'Percent of total I/Os serviced from the SSD tier: [0-9]{1,3}%' | out-null ; $FastTierHitRate = $matches[0] $info -match 'Current size of the faster .* tier: [0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,2}.*?GB' | out-null ; $CurrentFastTierSize = $matches[0] $info -match '100%.*?[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,2}.*?[G|M|K|T]B' | out-null; $FastTierSizeReq100 = ($matches[0]).trim() $info -match '95%.*?[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,2}.*?GB|MB|KB' | out-null; $FastTierSizeReq95 = $matches[0] $info -match '90%.*?[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,2}.*?GB|MB|KB' | out-null; $FastTierSizeReq90 = $matches[0] $info -match '85%.*?[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,2}.*?GB|MB|KB' | out-null; $FastTierSizeReq85 = $matches[0] $info -match '80%.*?[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,2}.*?GB|MB|KB' | out-null; $FastTierSizeReq80 = $matches[0] $info -match '[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}' | out-null; [string]$VolumeGuid = $matches[0] $Volume = get-volume | ? {$_.path -match $VolumeGuid} $VolumeName = $Volume.FileSystemLabel $volinfo = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Date=$entrydate VolumeName=$VolumeName FastTierSize=$CurrentFastTierSize FastTierHitRate=$FastTierHitRate FastTierRequiredSize="$FastTierSizeReq100; $FastTierSizeReq90; $FastTierSizeReq80" } $TierStats += $volinfo } Return $TierStats } } #endregion #Remove Persistent Remote Session #Write-Verbose "Removing WinRM Session" #$PSSession | Remove-PSSession #region output formatting Write-Verbose "Constructing Output" $Output = "" $TableHdr = @" <style> BODY{background-color:white;} TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: grey;border-collapse: collapse;} TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 4px;border-style: solid;border-color: grey;background-color:#000099;font-family:arial;font-size: 8pt; color: #FBFBEF;} TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 4px;border-style: solid;border-color: grey;font-family:arial;font-size: 8pt; color: black;} </style> "@ $Output+="<html> <body> <font size=""2"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h2 align=""center"">Storage Spaces Report</h3> <h3 align=""center"">Node: $StorageNode</h3> <h5 align=""center"">Generated $((Get-Date).ToString())</h5> </font>" $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Storage Pools</h3> </font>" $output += $StoragePoolInfo | ConvertTo-Html -Property FriendlyName,SizeGB,AllocatedGB,AllocatedPercent,EnclosureAwareDefault,IsClustered,OperationalStatus,HealthStatus -Head $TableHdr | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Healthy</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#CEF6CE>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } } $Output += " " $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Virtual Disks ( $($VirtualDiskInfo.count) )</h3> </font>" $output += $VirtualDiskInfo | ConvertTo-Html -Property FriendlyName,StoragePool,ResiliencySettingName,NumberOfDataCopies,NumberofColumns,Interleave,IsEnclosureAware,SizeGB,WriteCacheSizeGB,IsTiered,SSDTierSizeGB,HDDTierSizeGB,OperationalStatus,HealthStatus -Head $TableHdr | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Healthy</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#CEF6CE>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } } $Output += " " $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Storage Enclosures ( $($Enclosures.count) )</h3> </font>" $output += $Enclosures | Sort-Object FriendlyName | ConvertTo-Html -Property FriendlyName,UniqueId,SerialNumber,Firmware,Slots,HealthState,PowerSupplyState,FANState,IOControllerState,TemperatureSensorState -Head $TableHdr | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Healthy</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#CEF6CE>" } ElseIf ($_ -like "*<td>Unknown</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#FFFF99>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } } $Output += " " $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Physical Disks ( $($PhysicalDiskInfo.count) )</h3> </font>" $output += $PhysicalDiskInfo | Sort-Object MediaType -Descending | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,Slot,Id,EnclosureID,Temperature,Mediatype,SizeGB,Manufacturer,Model,SerialNumber,FirmwareVersion,usage,OperationalState,HealthState,MaxReadLatency_ms,MaxWriteLatency_ms,PowerOnHours,TemperatureMax $TableHdr | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Healthy</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#CEF6CE>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } } $Output += " " If ($IncludeMPIO) { $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">MPIO Disk Path Info</h3> </font>" $output += $MPIOPathInfo | ConvertTo-Html -Property Line | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*02 Paths*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#CEF6CE>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } } $Output += " " } If ($IncludeEvents) { $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Storage Space Driver Events</h3> </font>" $output += $StorageSpaceDriverEvts | ConvertTo-Html -Property TimeCreated,ID,LevelDisplayName,Message | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Warning</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#FFFF99>" } ElseIf ($_ -like "*<td>Error</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#66CCFF>" } } } If ($IncludeTieringStats) { $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Storage Tiering Statistics</h3> </font>" $output += $TieringStats | ConvertTo-Html -Property Date,VolumeName,FastTierSize,FastTierHitRate,FastTierRequiredSize } if ($IncludeDedupStats){ $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Deduplication Statistics</h3> </font>" $output += $DedupStatus | ConvertTo-Html -Property Volume,Capacity,FreeSpace,SavingsRate,SavedSpace,UnoptimizedSize,UsedSpace,InPolicyFilesCount,InPolicyFileSize $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Deduplication Events</h3> </font>" $output += $Dedupevents | ConvertTo-Html -Property TimeCreated,ID,LevelDisplayName,Message | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Warning</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#FFFF99>" } ElseIf ($_ -like "*<td>Error</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#66CCFF>" } } $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Deduplication Data Scrubbing</h3> </font>" $output += $DedupDiagevents | ConvertTo-Html -Property TimeCreated,ID,LevelDisplayName,Message | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Warning</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#FFFF99>" } ElseIf ($_ -like "*<td>Error</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#66CCFF>" } } } If ($IncludeTieringStats) { $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Storage Tiering Statistics</h3> </font>" $output += $TieringStats | ConvertTo-Html -Property Date,VolumeName,FastTierSize,FastTierHitRate,FastTierRequiredSize } if ($IncludeReFSDebugEvents){ $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">ReFS Operational Events</h3> </font>" $output += $ReFSEvents | ConvertTo-Html -Property TimeCreated,ID,LevelDisplayName,Message | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Warning</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#FFFF99>" } ElseIf ($_ -like "*<td>Error</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#66CCFF>" } } $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Data Integrity Admin Events</h3> </font>" $output += $DataIntegrityAdmin | ConvertTo-Html -Property TimeCreated,ID,LevelDisplayName,Message | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Warning</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#FFFF99>" } ElseIf ($_ -like "*<td>Error</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#66CCFF>" } } $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Data Integrity Crash Debug Events</h3> </font>" $output += $DataIntegrityCrash | ConvertTo-Html -Property TimeCreated,ID,LevelDisplayName,Message | Foreach { If ($_ -like "*<td>Warning</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#FFFF99>" } ElseIf ($_ -like "*<td>Error</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#66CCFF>" } } } If ($IncludeVMInfo) { $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Hyper-V Titan Info </h3> </font>" $output += $VMInfo | ConvertTo-Html -Property Name,State,CPUUsage,MemoryAssigned,Uptime,Status,Version If ($_ -like "*<td>Operating normally</td>*") { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#CEF6CE>" } Else { $_ -replace "<tr>", "<tr bgcolor=#F6CEE3>" } $Output += " " $output += "<html> <body> <font size=""3"" face=""Arial,sans-serif""> <h3 align=""left"">Hyper-V Replica Info </h3> </font>" $output += $VMReplicaInfo | ConvertTo-Html -Property VMName,Name,Snapshottype,Creationtime,ParentSnapshotName } #endregion #Generate the output file Write-Verbose "Writing Output to File $OutPutFile" $output | Out-File $OutPutFile -Force $emailbody = get-content $OutPutFile -Raw #Openfile with default handler if switch is present Write-Verbose "Opening Outputfile $OutPutFile" If ($OpenFileAfterCreation) { Invoke-Item $OutPutFile } $Username ="username" $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString "Passwordgoeshere" -AsPlainText -Force $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Username, $Password $SMTPServer = "smtp.sendgrid.net" $EmailFrom = "Titan-Operations-No-Reply@blah.com" $EmailTo = "blah@blah.com" $Subject = "Titan - Storage Spaces Report" #$Body = "SendGrid testing successful" #Mail the Report #If ($MailTo -and $MailFrom -and $MailServer) #Fore Mail to go with Hard Coded Parameters for now Send-MailMessage -From $EmailFrom -To $EmailTo -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -Credential $credential -Port 587 -Subject "Storage Spaces Report: $StorageNode" -Encoding UTF8 -BodyAsHtml -Body $output #Send-MailMessage -smtpServer $SMTPServer -Credential $credential -Port 587 -from $EmailFrom -to $EmailTo -subject $Subject -Body $emailbody -BodyAsHtml Write-Verbose "Report Created Successfully"
And a scheduled task if you want to automate this. The Schedule task will run if you create a local administrator service account. Even on the Storage Spaces Direct Nodes.
Now, I know the script isn’t perfect by any means but it does the job and even has a mailto function so that you can have this emailed to you on a triggered basis or as a daily health check report.
I hope you find this usefule and if you have ideas for improvements let’s collaborate via Github.