Hey Storage Spaces Direct fans,
After a beautiful summer, away from blogging we are back and this time with a great little script from Microsoft to test your RDMA setup of your Storage Spaces Direct Nodes. There are a lot of little settings that can be missed and this one will definitely help you out.
This script from Microsoft can be downloaded from here: https://github.com/Microsoft/SDN/blob/master/Diagnostics/Test-Rdma.ps1
It includes some great little options to run not only all your core RDMA Tests and gain a better understanding of the RDMA PowerShell Commands but also includes a cool DiskSpd.exe test to validate connectivity to a remote host.
Check out the PowerShell code here.
[CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1, HelpMessage="Interface index of the adapter for which RDMA config is to be verified")] [string] $IfIndex, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2, HelpMessage="True if underlying fabric type is RoCE. False for iWarp or IB")] [bool] $IsRoCE, [Parameter(Position=3, HelpMessage="IP address of the remote RDMA adapter")] [string] $RemoteIpAddress, [Parameter(Position=4, HelpMessage="Full path to the folder containing diskspd.exe")] [string] $PathToDiskspd ) if ($RemoteIpAddress -ne $null) { if (($PathToDiskspd -eq $null) -Or ($PathToDiskspd -eq '')) { $PathToDiskspd = "C:\Windows\System32" } $FullPathToDiskspd = $PathToDiskspd + "\diskspd.exe" if ((Test-Path $FullPathToDiskspd) -eq $false) { Write-Host "ERROR: Diskspd.exe not found at" $FullPathToDiskspd ". Please download diskspd.exe and place it in the specified location. Exiting." -ForegroundColor Red return } else { Write-Host "VERBOSE: Diskspd.exe found at" $FullPathToDiskspd } } $rdmaAdapter = Get-NetAdapter -IfIndex $IfIndex if ($rdmaAdapter -eq $null) { Write-Host "ERROR: The adapter with interface index $IfIndex not found" -ForegroundColor Red return } $rdmaAdapterName = $rdmaAdapter.Name $virtualAdapter = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS | where DeviceId -eq $rdmaAdapter.DeviceID if ($virtualAdapter -eq $null) { $isRdmaAdapterVirtual = $false Write-Host "VERBOSE: The adapter $rdmaAdapterName is a physical adapter" } else { $isRdmaAdapterVirtual = $true Write-Host "VERBOSE: The adapter $rdmaAdapterName is a virtual adapter" } $rdmaCapabilities = Get-NetAdapterRdma -InterfaceDescription $rdmaAdapter.InterfaceDescription if ($rdmaCapabilities -eq $null -or $rdmaCapabilities.Enabled -eq $false) { Write-Host "ERROR: The adapter $rdmaAdapterName is not enabled for RDMA" -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($rdmaCapabilities.MaxQueuePairCount -eq 0) { Write-Host "ERROR: RDMA capabilities for adapter $rdmaAdapterName are not valid : MaxQueuePairCount is 0" -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($rdmaCapabilities.MaxCompletionQueueCount -eq 0) { Write-Host "ERROR: RDMA capabilities for adapter $rdmaAdapterName are not valid : MaxCompletionQueueCount is 0" -ForegroundColor Red return } $smbClientNetworkInterfaces = Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface if ($smbClientNetworkInterfaces -eq $null) { Write-Host "ERROR: No network interfaces detected by SMB (Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface)" -ForegroundColor Red return } $rdmaAdapterSmbClientNetworkInterface = $null foreach ($smbClientNetworkInterface in $smbClientNetworkInterfaces) { if ($smbClientNetworkInterface.InterfaceIndex -eq $IfIndex) { $rdmaAdapterSmbClientNetworkInterface = $smbClientNetworkInterface } } if ($rdmaAdapterSmbClientNetworkInterface -eq $null) { Write-Host "ERROR: No network interfaces found by SMB for adapter $rdmaAdapterName (Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface)" -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($rdmaAdapterSmbClientNetworkInterface.RdmaCapable -eq $false) { Write-Host "ERROR: SMB did not detect adapter $rdmaAdapterName as RDMA capable. Make sure the adapter is bound to TCP/IP and not to other protocol like vmSwitch." -ForegroundColor Red return } $rdmaAdapters = $rdmaAdapter if ($isRdmaAdapterVirtual -eq $true) { Write-Host "VERBOSE: Retrieving vSwitch bound to the virtual adapter" $switchName = $virtualAdapter.SwitchName Write-Host "VERBOSE: Found vSwitch: $switchName" $vSwitch = Get-VMSwitch -Name $switchName $rdmaAdapters = Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription $vSwitch.NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions $vSwitchAdapterMessage = "VERBOSE: Found the following physical adapter(s) bound to vSwitch: " $index = 1 foreach ($qosAdapter in $rdmaAdapters) { $qosAdapterName = $qosAdapter.Name $vSwitchAdapterMessage = $vSwitchAdapterMessage + [string]$qosAdapterName if ($index -lt $rdmaAdapters.Length) { $vSwitchAdapterMessage = $vSwitchAdapterMessage + ", " } $index = $index + 1 } Write-Host $vSwitchAdapterMessage } if ($IsRoCE -eq $true) { Write-Host "VERBOSE: Underlying adapter is RoCE. Checking if QoS/DCB/PFC is configured on each physical adapter(s)" foreach ($qosAdapter in $rdmaAdapters) { $qosAdapterName = $qosAdapter.Name $qos = Get-NetAdapterQos -Name $qosAdapterName if ($qos.Enabled -eq $false) { Write-Host "ERROR: QoS is not enabled for adapter $qosAdapterName" -ForegroundColor Red return } if ($qos.OperationalFlowControl -eq "All Priorities Disabled") { Write-Host "ERROR: Flow control is not enabled for adapter $qosAdapterName" -ForegroundColor Red return } } Write-Host "VERBOSE: QoS/DCB/PFC configuration is correct." } Write-Host "VERBOSE: RDMA configuration is correct." if ($RemoteIpAddress -ne '') { Write-Host "VERBOSE: Checking if remote IP address, $RemoteIpAddress, is reachable." $canPing = Test-Connection $RemoteIpAddress -Quiet if ($canPing -eq $false) { Write-Host "ERROR: Cannot reach remote IP $RemoteIpAddress" -ForegroundColor Red return } else { Write-Host "VERBOSE: Remote IP $RemoteIpAddress is reachable." } } if ($RemoteIpAddress -eq '') { Write-Host "VERBOSE: Remote IP address was not provided. If RDMA does not work, make sure that remote IP address is reachable." } else { Write-Host "VERBOSE: Disabling RDMA on adapters that are not part of this test. RDMA will be enabled on them later." $adapters = Get-NetAdapterRdma $InstanceIds = $rdmaAdapters.InstanceID; $adaptersToEnableRdma = @() foreach ($adapter in $adapters) { if ($adapter.Enabled -eq $true) { if (($adapter.InstanceID -notin $InstanceIds) -And ($adapter.InstanceID -ne $rdmaAdapter.InstanceID)) { $adaptersToEnableRdma += $adapter Disable-NetAdapterRdma -Name $adapter.Name } } } Write-Host "VERBOSE: Testing RDMA traffic now for. Traffic will be sent in a parallel job. Job details:" $ScriptBlock = { param($RemoteIpAddress, $PathToDiskspd) cd $PathToDiskspd .\diskspd.exe -b4K -c10G -t4 -o16 -d100000 -L -Sr -d30 \\$RemoteIpAddress\C$\testfile.dat } $thisJob = Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $RemoteIpAddress,$PathToDiskspd $RdmaTrafficDetected = $false # Check Perfmon counters while the job is running While ((Get-Job -id $($thisJob).Id).state -eq "Running") { $written = Get-Counter -Counter "\SMB Direct Connection(_Total)\Bytes RDMA Written/sec" -ErrorAction Ignore $sent = Get-Counter -Counter "\SMB Direct Connection(_Total)\Bytes Sent/sec" -ErrorAction Ignore if ($written -ne $null) { $RdmaWriteBytesPerSecond = [uint64]($written.Readings.split(":")[1]) if ($RdmaWriteBytesPerSecond -gt 0) { $RdmaTrafficDetected = $true } Write-Host "VERBOSE:" $RdmaWriteBytesPerSecond "RDMA bytes written per second" } if ($sent -ne $null) { $RdmaWriteBytesPerSecond = [uint64]($sent.Readings.split(":")[1]) if ($RdmaWriteBytesPerSecond -gt 0) { $RdmaTrafficDetected = $true } Write-Host "VERBOSE:" $RdmaWriteBytesPerSecond "RDMA bytes sent per second" } } del \\$RemoteIpAddress\C$\testfile.dat Write-Host "VERBOSE: Enabling RDMA on adapters that are not part of this test. RDMA was disabled on them prior to sending RDMA traffic." foreach ($adapter in $adaptersToEnableRdma) { Enable-NetAdapterRdma -Name $adapter.Name } if ($RdmaTrafficDetected) { Write-Host "VERBOSE: RDMA traffic test SUCCESSFUL: RDMA traffic was sent to" $RemoteIpAddress -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "VERBOSE: RDMA traffic test FAILED: Please check physical switch port configuration for Priorty Flow Control." -ForegroundColor Yellow } }
As always happy learning,
this script will not running correct on a Windows Core Server. A testfile will be created on Destination Ip Address but the Output is RDMA traffic test FAILED: Please check physical switch port configuration for Priorty Flow Control. I think it is a Problem in this step While ((Get-Job -id $($thisJob).Id).state -eq “Running”). the get-counter in not available on a Windows-Core System.