Hey Checkyourlogs Fans,

If you haven’t had a chance to yet you should grab yourself a copy of our latest book.

Deploying System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2016 – Step by Step


In this book we walk through the core networking setup for Storage Spaces Direct and unfortunately in the first version we didn’t document it with PowerShell.

There are about a million steps to get this done so I figured PowerShell is our friend for this task.

Here is copy of the new script that we built today for our next release of the book which will feature Windows Insiders Build 17079 and SCVMM 1711 Technical Preview.

You can download a copy of the script from here:


<# Created: 2018-02-02 Version: 1.0 Author Dave Kawula MVP Homepage: http://www.checkyourlogs.net Disclaimer: This script is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, confers no rights and is not supported by the authors or Checkyourlogs or MVPDays Publishing Author - Dave Kawula Twitter: @DaveKawula Blog : http://www.checkyourlogs.net .Synopsis Sample Script to create the VMM Logical Networks for the Deploying SCVMM Book .DESCRIPTION #>

#Build Script for VMM Networking
#Run from the VMM Server
Import-Module VirtualMachineManager
#For the purpose of this book I haven't put any -VLanID's in... You can modify as you like.
#Cleaned up the Script to use -Name istead of -ID 
#Base Script is just copied from the VMM Console and modified
#region 001 - Build MGMT Logical Network and IP Pool
$logicalNetwork = New-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "MGMT" -LogicalNetworkDefinitionIsolation $false -EnableNetworkVirtualization $false -UseGRE $false -IsPVLAN $false
$allHostGroups = @()
$allHostGroups += Get-SCVMHostGroup -Name "MVPDays HQ"
$allSubnetVlan = @()
$allSubnetVlan += New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet "" -VLanID 0
New-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "MGMT_0" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork -VMHostGroup $allHostGroups -SubnetVLan $allSubnetVlan -RunAsynchronously
New-SCVMNetwork -Name "MGMT" -IsolationType "NoIsolation" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork
# Get Logical Network 'MGMT'
$logicalNetwork = Get-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "MGMT"
# Get Logical Network Definition 'MGMT_0'
$logicalNetworkDefinition = Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "MGMT_0"
# Network Routes
$allNetworkRoutes = @()
# Gateways
$allGateways = @()
# DNS servers
$allDnsServer = @()
# DNS suffixes
$allDnsSuffixes = @()
# WINS servers
$allWinsServers = @()
New-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "MGMT_IP_Pool" -LogicalNetworkDefinition $logicalNetworkDefinition -Subnet "" -IPAddressRangeStart "" -IPAddressRangeEnd "" -DefaultGateway $allGateways -DNSServer $allDnsServer -DNSSuffix "" -DNSSearchSuffix $allDnsSuffixes -NetworkRoute $allNetworkRoutes -RunAsynchronously
#region 002 - Build Cluster Logical Network and IP Pool
$logicalNetwork = New-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "Cluster" -LogicalNetworkDefinitionIsolation $false -EnableNetworkVirtualization $false -UseGRE $false -IsPVLAN $false
$allHostGroups = @()
$allHostGroups += Get-SCVMHostGroup -Name "MVPDays HQ"
$allSubnetVlan = @()
$allSubnetVlan += New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet "" -VLanID 0
New-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "Cluster_0" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork -VMHostGroup $allHostGroups -SubnetVLan $allSubnetVlan -RunAsynchronously
New-SCVMNetwork -Name "Cluster" -IsolationType "NoIsolation" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork
# Get Logical Network 'Cluster'
$logicalNetwork = Get-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "Cluster"
# Get Logical Network Definition 'Cluster_0'
$logicalNetworkDefinition = Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "Cluster_0"
# Network Routes
$allNetworkRoutes = @()
# Gateways
$allGateways = @()
# DNS servers
$allDnsServer = @()
# DNS suffixes
$allDnsSuffixes = @()
# WINS servers
$allWinsServers = @()
New-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "Cluster_IP_Pool" -LogicalNetworkDefinition $logicalNetworkDefinition -Subnet "" -IPAddressRangeStart "" -IPAddressRangeEnd "" -DefaultGateway $allGateways -DNSServer $allDnsServer -DNSSuffix "" -DNSSearchSuffix $allDnsSuffixes -NetworkRoute $allNetworkRoutes -RunAsynchronously
#region 003 - Build LiveMigration Logical Network and IP Pool
$logicalNetwork = New-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "LiveMigration" -LogicalNetworkDefinitionIsolation $false -EnableNetworkVirtualization $false -UseGRE $false -IsPVLAN $false
$allHostGroups = @()
$allHostGroups += Get-SCVMHostGroup -Name "MVPDays HQ"
$allSubnetVlan = @()
$allSubnetVlan += New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet "" -VLanID 0
New-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "LiveMigration_0" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork -VMHostGroup $allHostGroups -SubnetVLan $allSubnetVlan -RunAsynchronously
New-SCVMNetwork -Name "LiveMigration" -IsolationType "NoIsolation" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork
# Get Logical Network 'LiveMigration'
$logicalNetwork = Get-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "LiveMigration"
# Get Logical Network Definition 'LiveMigration_0'
$logicalNetworkDefinition = Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "LiveMigration_0"
# Network Routes
$allNetworkRoutes = @()
# Gateways
$allGateways = @()
# DNS servers
$allDnsServer = @()
# DNS suffixes
$allDnsSuffixes = @()
# WINS servers
$allWinsServers = @()
New-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "LiveMigration_IP_Pool" -LogicalNetworkDefinition $logicalNetworkDefinition -Subnet "" -IPAddressRangeStart "" -IPAddressRangeEnd "" -DefaultGateway $allGateways -DNSServer $allDnsServer -DNSSuffix "" -DNSSearchSuffix $allDnsSuffixes -NetworkRoute $allNetworkRoutes -RunAsynchronously
#region 004 - Build Storage Logical Network and IP Pool
$logicalNetwork = New-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "Storage" -LogicalNetworkDefinitionIsolation $false -EnableNetworkVirtualization $false -UseGRE $false -IsPVLAN $false
$allHostGroups = @()
$allHostGroups += Get-SCVMHostGroup -Name "MVPDays HQ"
$allSubnetVlan = @()
$allSubnetVlan += New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet "" -VLanID 0
New-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "Storage_0" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork -VMHostGroup $allHostGroups -SubnetVLan $allSubnetVlan -RunAsynchronously
New-SCVMNetwork -Name "Storage" -IsolationType "NoIsolation" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork
# Get Logical Network 'Storage'
$logicalNetwork = Get-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "Storage"
# Get Logical Network Definition 'Storage_0'
$logicalNetworkDefinition = Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "Storage_0"
# Network Routes
$allNetworkRoutes = @()
# Gateways
$allGateways = @()
# DNS servers
$allDnsServer = @()
# DNS suffixes
$allDnsSuffixes = @()
# WINS servers
$allWinsServers = @()
New-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "Storage_IP_Pool" -LogicalNetworkDefinition $logicalNetworkDefinition -Subnet "" -IPAddressRangeStart "" -IPAddressRangeEnd "" -DefaultGateway $allGateways -DNSServer $allDnsServer -DNSSuffix "" -DNSSearchSuffix $allDnsSuffixes -NetworkRoute $allNetworkRoutes -RunAsynchronously
#region 005 - Build CorpNet Logical Network and IP Pool ...
$logicalNetwork = New-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "CorpNet" -LogicalNetworkDefinitionIsolation $false -EnableNetworkVirtualization $false -UseGRE $false -IsPVLAN $false
$allHostGroups = @()
$allHostGroups += Get-SCVMHostGroup -Name "MVPDays HQ"
$allSubnetVlan = @()
$allSubnetVlan += New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet "" -VLanID 0
New-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "CorpNet_0" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork -VMHostGroup $allHostGroups -SubnetVLan $allSubnetVlan -RunAsynchronously
New-SCVMNetwork -Name "CorpNet" -IsolationType "NoIsolation" -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork
# Get Logical Network 'CorpNet'
$logicalNetwork = Get-SCLogicalNetwork -Name "CorpNet"
# Get Logical Network Definition 'CorpNet_0'
$logicalNetworkDefinition = Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "CorpNet_0"
# Network Routes
$allNetworkRoutes = @()
# Gateways
$allGateways = @()
$allGateways += New-SCDefaultGateway -IPAddress "" -Automatic
# DNS servers
$allDnsServer = @("")
# DNS suffixes
$allDnsSuffixes = @()
# WINS servers
$allWinsServers = @()
New-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "CorpNet_IP_Pool" -LogicalNetworkDefinition $logicalNetworkDefinition -Subnet "" -IPAddressRangeStart "" -IPAddressRangeEnd "" -DefaultGateway $allGateways -DNSServer $allDnsServer -DNSSuffix "" -DNSSearchSuffix $allDnsSuffixes -NetworkRoute $allNetworkRoutes -RunAsynchronously
#region 006 - Build Storage Logical Switch
New-SCPortClassification -Name "Storage"
#For this book we are not Using RDMA in the Lab below is a sample with RDMA Enabled
#New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile -Name "Storage_Port_Profile" -Description "" -AllowIeeePriorityTagging $false -AllowMacAddressSpoofing $false -AllowTeaming $false -EnableDhcpGuard $false -EnableGuestIPNetworkVirtualizationUpdates $true -EnableIov $false -EnableVrss $false -EnableIPsecOffload $true -EnableRouterGuard $false -EnableVmq $true -EnableRdma $true -MinimumBandwidthWeight "50" -RunAsynchronously
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile -Name "Storage_Port_Profile" -Description "" -AllowIeeePriorityTagging $false -AllowMacAddressSpoofing $false -AllowTeaming $false -EnableDhcpGuard $false -EnableGuestIPNetworkVirtualizationUpdates $true -EnableIov $false -EnableVrss $false -EnableIPsecOffload $true -EnableRouterGuard $false -EnableVmq $true -EnableRdma $false -MinimumBandwidthWeight "50" -RunAsynchronously
$logicalSwitch = New-SCLogicalSwitch -Name "Storage" -Description "" -EnableSriov $false -SwitchUplinkMode "EmbeddedTeam" -MinimumBandwidthMode "Weight"
# Get Network Port Classification 'Host Cluster Workload'
$portClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "Host Cluster Workload"
# Get Hyper-V Switch Port Profile 'Host management'
$nativeProfile = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile -Name "Host Management"
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet -Name "Host Cluster Workload" -PortClassification $portClassification -LogicalSwitch $logicalSwitch -RunAsynchronously -VirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile $nativeProfile
# Get Network Port Classification 'High bandwidth'
$portClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "High Bandwidth"
# Get Hyper-V Switch Port Profile 'Cluster'
$nativeProfile = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile -Name "Cluster"
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet -Name "High bandwidth" -PortClassification $portClassification -LogicalSwitch $logicalSwitch -RunAsynchronously -VirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile $nativeProfile
# Get Network Port Classification 'Live migration workload'
$portClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "Live migration workload"
# Get Hyper-V Switch Port Profile 'Live migration'
$nativeProfile = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile -Name "Live Migration"
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet -Name "Live migration workload" -PortClassification $portClassification -LogicalSwitch $logicalSwitch -RunAsynchronously -VirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile $nativeProfile
# Get Network Port Classification 'Storage'
$portClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "Storage"
# Get Hyper-V Switch Port Profile 'Storage_Port_Profile'
$nativeProfile = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile -Name "Storage_Port_Profile"
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet -Name "Storage" -PortClassification $portClassification -LogicalSwitch $logicalSwitch -RunAsynchronously -VirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile $nativeProfile
$definitions = @()
# Get Logical Network Definition 'MGMT_0'
$definitions += Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "MGMT_0"
# Get Logical Network Definition 'Cluster_0'
$definitions += Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "Cluster_0"
# Get Logical Network Definition 'LiveMigration_0'
$definitions += Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "LiveMigration_0"
# Get Logical Network Definition 'Storage_0'
$definitions += Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "Storage_0"
$nativeUppVar = New-SCNativeUplinkPortProfile -Name "VSW01" -Description "Storage Network Virtual Switch" -LogicalNetworkDefinition $definitions -EnableNetworkVirtualization $false -LBFOLoadBalancingAlgorithm "Dynamic" -LBFOTeamMode "SwitchIndependent" -RunAsynchronously
$uppSetVar = New-SCUplinkPortProfileSet -Name "VSW01" -LogicalSwitch $logicalSwitch -NativeUplinkPortProfile $nativeUppVar -RunAsynchronously
# Get VM Network 'Cluster'
$vmNetwork = Get-SCVMNetwork -Name "Cluster"
# Get Network Port Classification 'Host Cluster Workload'
$vNICPortClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "Host Cluster WorkLoad"
# Get Static IP Address Pool 'Cluster_IP_Pool'
$ipV4Pool = Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "Cluster_IP_Pool"
New-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter -Name "Cluster" -UplinkPortProfileSet $uppSetVar -RunAsynchronously -VMNetwork $vmNetwork -VLanEnabled $false -PortClassification $vNICPortClassification -IsUsedForHostManagement $false -IPv4AddressType "Static" -IPv6AddressType "Dynamic" -IPv4AddressPool $ipV4Pool
# Get VM Network 'LiveMigration'
$vmNetwork = Get-SCVMNetwork -Name "LiveMigration"
# Get Network Port Classification 'Live migration workload'
$vNICPortClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "Live Migration Workload"
# Get Static IP Address Pool 'LiveMigration_IP_Pool'
$ipV4Pool = Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "LiveMigration_IP_Pool"
New-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter -Name "LiveMigration" -UplinkPortProfileSet $uppSetVar -RunAsynchronously -VMNetwork $vmNetwork -VLanEnabled $false -PortClassification $vNICPortClassification -IsUsedForHostManagement $false -IPv4AddressType "Static" -IPv6AddressType "Dynamic" -IPv4AddressPool $ipV4Pool
# Get VM Network 'MGMT'
$vmNetwork = Get-SCVMNetwork -Name "MGMT"
# Get Network Port Classification 'High bandwidth'
$vNICPortClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "High bandwidth"
# Get Static IP Address Pool 'MGMT_IP_Pool'
$ipV4Pool = Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "MGMT_IP_Pool"
New-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter -Name "MGMT" -UplinkPortProfileSet $uppSetVar -RunAsynchronously -VMNetwork $vmNetwork -VLanEnabled $false -PortClassification $vNICPortClassification -IsUsedForHostManagement $false -IPv4AddressType "Static" -IPv6AddressType "Dynamic" -IPv4AddressPool $ipV4Pool
# Get VM Network 'Storage'
$vmNetwork = Get-SCVMNetwork -Name "Storage"
# Get Network Port Classification 'Storage'
$vNICPortClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "Storage"
# Get Static IP Address Pool 'Storage_IP_Pool'
$ipV4Pool = Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "Storage_IP_Pool"
New-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter -Name "Storage_1" -UplinkPortProfileSet $uppSetVar -RunAsynchronously -VMNetwork $vmNetwork -VLanEnabled $false -PortClassification $vNICPortClassification -IsUsedForHostManagement $false -IPv4AddressType "Static" -IPv6AddressType "Dynamic" -IPv4AddressPool $ipV4Pool
# Get VM Network 'Storage'
$vmNetwork = Get-SCVMNetwork -Name "Storage"
# Get Network Port Classification 'Storage'
$vNICPortClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "Storage"
# Get Static IP Address Pool 'Storage_IP_Pool'
$ipV4Pool = Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "Storage_IP_Pool"
New-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter -Name "Storage_2" -UplinkPortProfileSet $uppSetVar -RunAsynchronously -VMNetwork $vmNetwork -VLanEnabled $false -PortClassification $vNICPortClassification -IsUsedForHostManagement $false -IPv4AddressType "Static" -IPv6AddressType "Dynamic" -IPv4AddressPool $ipV4Pool
#region 007 - Build CorpNet Logical Switch...
$logicalSwitch = New-SCLogicalSwitch -Name "CorpNet" -Description "" -EnableSriov $false -SwitchUplinkMode "EmbeddedTeam" -MinimumBandwidthMode "Weight"
# Get Network Port Classification 'High bandwidth'
$portClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "High bandwidth"
# Get Hyper-V Switch Port Profile 'High Bandwidth Adapter'
$nativeProfile = Get-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile -name "High Bandwidth Adapter"
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterPortProfileSet -Name "High bandwidth" -PortClassification $portClassification -LogicalSwitch $logicalSwitch -RunAsynchronously -VirtualNetworkAdapterNativePortProfile $nativeProfile
$definitions = @()
# Get Logical Network Definition 'CorpNet_0'
$definitions += Get-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name "CorpNet_0"
$nativeUppVar = New-SCNativeUplinkPortProfile -Name "CorpNet" -Description "CorpNet Logical Switch" -LogicalNetworkDefinition $definitions -EnableNetworkVirtualization $false -LBFOLoadBalancingAlgorithm "Dynamic" -LBFOTeamMode "SwitchIndependent" -RunAsynchronously
$uppSetVar = New-SCUplinkPortProfileSet -Name "CorpNet" -LogicalSwitch $logicalSwitch -NativeUplinkPortProfile $nativeUppVar -RunAsynchronously
# Get VM Network 'CorpNet'
$vmNetwork = Get-SCVMNetwork -Name "CorpNet"
# Get Network Port Classification 'High bandwidth'
$vNICPortClassification = Get-SCPortClassification -Name "High Bandwidth"
# Get Static IP Address Pool 'CorpNet_IP_Pool'
$ipV4Pool = Get-SCStaticIPAddressPool -Name "CorpNet_IP_Pool"
New-SCLogicalSwitchVirtualNetworkAdapter -Name "CorpNet" -UplinkPortProfileSet $uppSetVar -RunAsynchronously -VMNetwork $vmNetwork -VLanEnabled $false -PortClassification $vNICPortClassification -IsUsedForHostManagement $false -IPv4AddressType "Static" -IPv6AddressType "Dynamic" -IPv4AddressPool $ipV4Pool

Thanks, and happy learning

Dave Kawula MVP