Here is the link to the presentation from today session at the wonderful Calgary Microsoft User Group.

Today’s session was held at the Chinook Mall location of the Microsoft Store in Calgary, AB.

We had an amazing 40 + Register for this session and it was a lot of fun as always to deliver it.

In the session we learned about the brand new feature coming with OneDrive and had a good walkthrough on how to differentiate between OneDrive Personal and OneDrive for Business.

We also had a chance to learn how to migrate your NAS or File Shares to OneDrive for Business Document Libraries.

Thanks a lot, everyone for coming it was a great sessions and I am really happy to have been able to present this for you.

Also, a big thank you to the all the folks that help run the Calgary Microsoft User Group.

Especially fellow MVP’s Kevin Kaminski and Emile Cabot.

Below is a link to the Presentation for today’s session:!AlWLEMKw62MA2hwhbF-uwSXs873R

