As part of a new White Paper that I am putting together for Veeam I have written a cool PowerShell Script to help build tiered jobs using Veeam Backup and Replication.

The purpose of this script was to help automate three tiers of jobs:

  • Platinum
  • Gold
  • Silver


The job settings are built using template jobs that can quickly be created in the Veeam Backup and Replication Console.


Here is a sneak peek of the script in action.





When I started this project I was only going to build tiered Backup Jobs. As such the script has evolved into much more.


It can now do the following:


  • Job Creation based on VM Name
    • Platinum-<VMNAME>
    • Gold-<VMNAME>
    • Silver-<VMNAME>
  • Three tier Backup Jobs
  • Three tier Replica Jobs
  • Three tier Backup Copy Jobs
  • Virtual Lab Creation
  • Sure Backup Job Creation
  • Master Delete options to wipe and start over in your lab


Here are some examples of how to use the script:

.\Create_All_VeeamBackup_Jobs.ps1 –PlatinumJobs –GoldJobs –SilverJobs

.\Create_All_VeeamBackup_Jobs.ps1 –PlatinumBackupCopyJobs –GoldBackupCopyJobs –SilverBackupCopyJobs

.\Create_All_VeeamBackup_Jobs.ps1 –PlatinumSureBackupJobs

.\Create_All_VeeamBackup_Jobs.ps1 –PlatinumReplicaJobs –GoldReplicaJobs –SilverReplicaJobs


Below gives you an idea as to the amount of work that has gone into creating this.

Over 1200 lines of custom code.



Here is the best part as I love to give back to the community. Feel free to check out the script below.



