Hey Checkyourlogs fans,

Today, I’m going to show you a little golden nugget that came with Windows Admin Center 1812+. I’m currently using version 1902, and it has added functionality to run diagnostic reports on Storage Spaces Direct automatically.

Inside of Windows Admin Center in the Hyper-Converged section, you will notice a new Diagnostics tab.

Just click on the install button to download the SDDC PowerShell Module on each of the nodes. You can see more information about this here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/storage/storage-spaces/data-collection

It runs the following on each node:

After it has been installed successfully you can just turn on automatic collection. According to the documentation above the hit on the server to run this is minimal and is safe to do in production. I haven’t load tested this in production yet so you at your discretion.

This will be interested to see how well this works on my lab moving forward. For now, check it out and I hope you enjoyed this post.
