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Author: Émile Cabot

Émile Cabot is an 8-year Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) who started in the industry during the mid-90s, and has been deploying Windows ever since. He has a strong background specializing in datacenter and deployment solutions, and has spent many years performing infrastructure analyses and solution implementations for organizations ranging from 20 to over 200,000 employees. Émile is a published author with several titles, including Enforcing Compliant Configurations. He organizes the Calgary Microsoft User Group, blogs on, and has presented at several conferences, including Ignite, VeeamOn, TechReady, TechMentor, and MVPDays. You can find him on Twitter under the alias @ecabot. From 2002-2019, he volunteered as a member of the Canadian Ski Patrol, providing over 250 hours each year for first aid services and public education at Castle Mountain Resort and in the community.

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